Mera Bill Mera Adhikaar

Government has issued GST Advisory on MERA BILL MERA ADHIKAAR SCHEME on 24-08-2023.

As per the direction from the Government, the GSTN has developed and launched a mobile application (available on iOS and Android platforms) and also a web portal for the “Mera Bill Mera Adhikaar” scheme.

This scheme will be implemented from 1st September, 2023 initially in the States of Gujarat, Assam, Haryana and UTs of Puducherry and Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli, as per the policy decision of the Government.

Mobile Application and Web Portal:

The mobile application is available for download on both iOS and Android platforms and links are given below.

Android Link:

iOS Link:

The web portal can be accessed at:

User Manual: For ease of use and to guide taxpayers through the process of participating in the scheme via the mobile application or web portal, a detailed user manual is available at the link below for your reference:

User Manual Download Link:

Please ensure that you download the mobile application only from the Google Play store and Apple App store and access the web portal through the official link provided above to avoid any spurious application of a fraudulent entity.

Please refer to the Policy Document for MBMA related policy matters with reference to broad guidelines for its implementation.

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