gst updates summary january 2024

This articles covers the latest gst updates summary January 2024. It contains all the Notifications and Circulars issued in January 2024 which covers all GST Updates summary January 2024. All these amendments have been presented hear topic wise and reference of relevant latest gst notifications and latest gst circulars have been given at bottom of each topic. As well as, I have given our own analysis wherever it is necessary.

Changes in the Heading /Chapter No effective from 04-01-2024

With effect from 04-01-2024, the Government has substituted Chapter/Heading of 27111910 against chapter/heading of 27111900 for serial no 165 & 165A under Schedule I – 2.5% in Notification No.01/2017-Central tax (rate) dated 28-06-2017 for the goods related to Liquefied Propane and Butane mixture & Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG).

Due date for furnishing GSTR-3B has been extended in specified states

With effect from 20-12-2023, the Government has issued Notification No.01/2024- Central tax dated 05-01-2024 to extend due date for furnishing GSTR-3B return for the month of November- 2023 & GSTR-9 & 9C for the Financial Year 2022-23 in the state of Tamil Nadu for below mentioned districts of the same.

Type                 of ReturnTax PeriodDue dateExtended                        due date(effective from 20-12-2023)whose principal place of business in the district of
GSTR-3BNovember-202320-12-202310-01-2024Tirunelveli,            Tenkasi, Kanyakumari, Thoothukudi                  and Virudhunagar in the state of Tamilnadu
GSTR-9 & 9CF.Y 2022-2331-12-202310-01-2024Chennai,             Tiruvallur, Chengalpattu, Kancheepuram,Tirunelveli, Tenkasi,        Kanyakumari, Thoothukudi                  and Virudhunagar in the state of Tamilnadu

Special procedure provided to be followed by Registered Person engage in manufacturing of goodsspecified in Schedule in Notification

  • Earlier the Government issued Notification 30/2023 Central Tax dated 31.07.2023 specified the special procedure to be followed by registered persons engaged in manufacturing of goods specified in Schedule which are as under.
  • Now the government is using its authority given by a specific section of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017. Based on the suggestions of the Council they have issue Notification No.03/2024, to cancel a previous notification (number 30/2023-CT) that was issued on July 31, 2023.
  • This cancellation, or rescission, is effective from January 1, 2024. However, anything that was already done or not done based on the previous notification will still be considered valid. Government has issued Notification 04/2024 Central Tax dated 05-01-2024 to specify the special procedure to be followed by registered persons engaged in manufacturing of following goods with effect from 01-04-2024:
S.NoChapter/Heading/Sub heading/Tariff ItemDescription of Goods
22401Unmanufactured tobacco (without lime tube) – bearing a brand name
32401Unmanufactured tobacco (with lime tube) – bearing a brand name
424013000Tobacco refuse, bearing a brand name
524031110“Hookah” or “gudaku” tobacco bearing a brand name
624031110Tobacco used for smoking ‘hookah’ or ‘chilam’ commonly known as ‘hookah’ tobacco or ‘gudaku’ not bearing a brand name
724031190Other water pipe smoking tobacco not bearing brand name
824031910Smoking mixtures for pipes and cigarettes
924031990Other smoking tobacco bearing brand name
1024031990Other smoking tobacco not bearing brand name
1124039100“Homogenised” or “reconstituted” tobacco, bearing a brand name
1224039910Chewing tobacco (without lime tube)
1324039910Chewing tobacco (with lime tube)
1424039910Filter khaini
1524039920Preparations containing chewing tobacco
1624039930Jarda Scented tobacco
1824039950Preparations containing Snuff
1924039960Tobacco extracts and essence bearing brand name
2024039960Tobacco extracts and essence not bearing brand name
2124039970Cut tobacco
2224039990Pan masala containing tobacco ‘Gutkha’
2324039990All goods, other than pan masala containing tobacco ‘gutkha’, bearing a brand name
2424039990All goods, other than pan masala containing tobacco ‘gutkha’, not bearing a brand name

Note: With effect from 01-04-2024, registered person must maintain following details as per the format prescribed in the notification.

Sr No.ParticularsTime to furnish the details on the common portal
1Details of Packing Machines in FORM SRM-IWithin 30 days of Coming into effect of this notification. i.e. 30 days from 01-04-2024 as this notification shall come into effect from 01-04-2024.
2Details of installations of additional machine/(s) in FORM SRM-IIAWith in 24 hour of such installation in Part(B) of Table 6 of GST SRM-I
3Details of Disposed of the existing machines in Table 8 of FORM GST SRM-IDetails of any existing filling and packing machine removed from registered place of business shall be furnished within 24 hours of such removal in Table 8 of FORM GST SRM-I
4Monthly statement of input used and the final goods produced             by             the manufacture of goods in FORM GST SRM-II 
5Production Register in FORM GST SRM-II 
6Special Monthly Statement in FORM GST SRM-IIEach Month statement submit on common portal on or before 10th day of the month succeeding such month
7Certificate      of      Chartered EngineerUpload a certificate of Chartered Engineer Form GST SRM-III in respect of Machines declared in Table 6 of Form GST SRM-I.

Extension of Territorial Jurisdiction of Principal Commissioner /Commissioner of Central Tax

The government has extended the territorial jurisdiction of Principal Commissioner/ Commissioner of Central Tax of Pune-II by inserting Pin code 411069.

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