Systemic improvement for Officer De-mapping on GST Portal- GST Instruction No.04/2024

De-mapping on GST Portal

Summary of Systemic improvement for Officer De-mapping on GST Portal

GST Instruction No 04/2024 has been issued for Systemic improvement for Officer De-mapping on GST Portal. This Instruction states that when GST officer, who was supposed to be discharged from their duties was not promptly removed or de-mapped from GSTN portal. Hence the officer fraudently approved a refund even after they had been discharged.

To solve this problem, the Directorate General of Vigilance (DGov) has recommended some changes to improve the system.

  • When officer is discharged from their duties, they must be immediately de-mapped from GSTN portal.
  • Senior officers, at the rank of Joint commissioner or additional commissioner, should monitor this process to ensure it happens promptly.
  • A report confirming  that de-mapping has been done should be sent to concerned commissioner or principal commissioner within specified time .
  • Roles should be established to ensure the officers in charge of mapping and de-mapping on the GSTN portal are held responsible for carrying out this tasks efficiently.

Download – GST Instruction 04/2024

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